The nautical tourist profile in cabo verde

El perfil del turista náutico en el destino Cabo Verde


Yen Elizabeth Lam González
Javier De León Ledesma

Nautical tourism has been defined as a priority strategic area for the necessary tourism diversification in Cabo Verde. The nautical tourism demand study is a practically inexistent field in the country until now, for which it is considered a key aspect to redefine the conduct of this business. This research describes the profile of tourists travelling to Cabo Verde motivated by the practice of nautical-recreational activities. Trip planning and nautical consumer’s main motivations and attitudes are some of the results obtained after surveying 153 nautical tourists during their stay in Cabo Verde in 2015. Having information of market characteristics and preferences is a relevant tool when designing a promotional strategy or making new and renewed investments regarding both centers and companies or infrastructures. The nautical tourist’s perception about the attributes of this destination, their satisfaction with the visit, and the global and affective image of the place are another group of results that allow to identify the weaknesses in the current supply of nautical products and services in Cabo Verde.



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