The gender pay gap, a systematic review in the Web of Science
La brecha salarial de género, una revisión sistemática en la Web of Science
Objective. To identify the papers published in the Web of Science in relation to studies related and analogous to the gender pay gap. Methodology. The research applied a systematic review of articles sourced from the Web of Science database spanning the years 2017 to 2022. The search engine was queried using the terms “wage gap” AND (“gender wage gap” OR “gender wage discrimination” OR “gender pay gap”), and the term paper to identify the type of document. Results. The findings indicate that there is a broad range of research on the gender wage gap, which has primarily employed a quantitative methodology. A decline in the number of publications was observed throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the mean number of publications per journal is less than two papers per year. There is a high dispersion of journals with few publications on the topic; therefore, it cannot be determined that any of them specialize in the subject. Conclusions. The data presented can serve as a guide for the researcher during the initial primary analysis of the research process, hence facilitating the examination of the wage gap. Additionally, it was also determined that the area selected for publication is economics, with Labour Economics and the International Journal of Manpower being the main journals that publish articles on the wage gap.
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