Do you possess critical thinking?

¿Usted posee pensamiento crítico?



One of the great challenges in the post-COVID-19 pandemic teaching-learning process corresponds to the critical thinking of the actors involved in the process (both teachers and students). In fact, when doing an online search, you will find millions of articles and scientific documents written in various languages ​​in line with this theme; However, the question also comes up again: do you have critical thinking? One of the great challenges in the post-COVID-19 pandemic teaching-learning process corresponds to the critical thinking of the actors involved in the process (both teachers and students). In fact, when doing an online search, you will find millions of articles and scientific documents written in various languages ​​in line with this theme; However, the question also comes up again: do you have critical thinking? Perhaps you —or the educational institution in which you work— have the same position as Hawes (2003). This author clearly states that "developing the capacity for autonomous and critical thinking is a major commitment of university education and a social expectation of professionals who graduate from it" (p. 5).


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Author Biography / See

Antonio Boada, Fundación Universitaria Ceipa

Magíster en Finanzas. CEIPA by powered Arizona State University, Sabaneta, Colombia.


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Siegel, R. (1989). The rationality of science, critical thinking, and science education. Synthese, 80(1), 9-41. DOI:

Viennot, L. (1979). Spontaneous reasoning in elementary dynamics. European Journal of Science Education, 1(2), 205-221. DOI:

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