Business productivity and inclusion of people with disability: challenges and opportunities

Productividad empresarial e inclusión de personas con discapacidad: desafíos y oportunidades


Yarmin Lorena Taborda Morales

The word 'productivity' is often perceived as a determining factor in any business discourse. Traditionally, productivity has been associated only with financial indicators, which poses a challenge when relating this concept to the inclusion of people with disabilities. This is due to the common belief that people with disabilities cannot perform efficiently, since they must have different schedules than other employees and at the same time require reinforced job stability. In fact, it is possible that none of this arouses astonishment and worries the various sectors of the economy (especially micro, small and medium-sized companies) because many organizations consider inclusion as a possibility only for large companies in the that the disabled worker is not notable in his performance. Despite this, there are organizations that have turned inclusion into an opportunity to contribute to sustainability and decent work; Therefore, they improve work environments in such a profound way that people—both with and without disabilities—find fewer disabling barriers to their full development.



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Author Biography / See

Yarmin Lorena Taborda Morales, Fundación Universitaria Ceipa

Magíster en Educación. CEIPA by powered Arizona State University, Sabaneta, Colombia.


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