Neighborhood recall, perceptions and preferences. A comparative study between Medellín (Colombia) and Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Recordación, percepciones y preferencias de los barrios. Un estudio comparativo entre Medellín (Colombia) y Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Carlos Javier Ayala Regalado
Juan Pablo Baldomar
Eduard Cristobal Fransi
Nicolás Chung

Objective. To investigate the aspects that influence the recall, perception and preferences that Medellín and Buenos Aires inhabitants have about the neighborhoods of their respective cities. Methodology. The data collection method was the survey. Results. It was found in both city samples that tranquility, location, security and green areas are the most valued aspects in a neighborhood and are the reasons why the respondents would choose to live in another city. Social and human aspects such as collaboration networks between neighbors were not mentioned as a relevant aspect, unlike the findings of research conducted in cities across Europe, Asia and the United States. Conclusions. More research is needed to better understand how individuals, families, and organizations make decisions about which neighborhoods they want to live in.
about which neighborhoods they want to live in.



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Author Biographies / See

Carlos Javier Ayala Regalado, Fundación Universitaria Ceipa

Magíster en Administración. Fundación Universitaria CEIPA, Sabaneta, Colombia

Juan Pablo Baldomar, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctor en Administración. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eduard Cristobal Fransi, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, España.

Doctor en Economía. Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, España.

Nicolás Chung, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Magíster en Administración. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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