Organizational resilience in the context of COVID-19: the case of two Colombian MSMEs

Resiliencia organizacional en contexto de la COVID-19: el caso de dos mipymes colombianas


Deisy Camila Bolaños Muñoz
Juan David Peláez León

Objective. To explore the relationship between organizational resilience and the evolution of two Colombian MSMEs in the transportation and tourism sectors since the beginning of the crisis context generated by COVID-19 until the economic reopening decreed by the national government. Methodology. The methodology used in this study follows a qualitative approach based on two cross-sectional case studies. Results. The findings help to clarify the relationship among the company’s factors that condition resilience, the resilience actions implemented and the evolution of the organization in a crisis context.
Conclusions. Adaptation is an inherent outcome of resilient organizations, but firm renewal is not. Renewal in critical contexts may be influenced by the firm’s resilience actions, the factors conditioning resilience, the magnitude of the crisis, and the firm’s financial resources and previous experiences in coping with it.



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Author Biographies / See

Deisy Camila Bolaños Muñoz, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Administradora de empresas. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Juan David Peláez León , Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Doctor en Ciencias de la Empresa. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia


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