Service as a principle that brings together and boosts organizations: A review and conceptual proposal revolving around service culture

El servicio como principio que une y potencia las organizaciones. Una revisión y propuesta conceptual en torno a la cultura de servicio


Alfredo Gorrochotegui Martell
Maite Nazarre Cordero

This article reflects on and reviews the different authors that have presented their concepts of service. It seeks to recover the idea that all organizations offer a service to society. In addition, the article aims to approach service nature, qualities, and features; inquire into service as a human experience, in regards to the customer, and within the company; distinguish the concepts of customer, internal customer, moments of truth, service cycles and maps, to delve into the possibility of creating an authentic service culture. In all this elaboration, the article also inquiries into the possibility of service as a noble principle that brings together and boosts individuals working in organizations with an internal / external customer-oriented culture.



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Author Biographies / See

Alfredo Gorrochotegui Martell, Universidad de los Andes

Escuela de Administración de Servicios. Profesor Titular Extraordinario. Director del Magíster en Gestión Educacional de Calidad.

Rosario Montt Rodríguez, Universidad de los Andes

Escuela de Administración de Servicios. Profesor Investigador.

Maite Nazarre Cordero, Universidad de los Andes

Escuela de Administración de Servicios. Profesor Investigador.


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