Telephone Surveys: Strategies to improve collaboration

Encuestas telefónicas: estrategias para mejorar la colaboración



This article analyzes the aspects that could affect participation in telephone surveys and proposes strategies to improve it. The objective is to help the development of this type of marketing and opinion research in order to obtain valid information to make company decisions or the knowledge of the status of the opinion. The work is divided into three parts. Firstly, a revision of the literature is made to determine the aspects that might limit participation, by studying the situation in Spain. Secondly, eleven telephone and face-to-face surveys, which took place in this country are analyzed, highlighting their rights and wrongs to determine the motivation behind not taking a survey.

Thirdly, ten strategies are proposed to reduce the nonresponse rate in telephone surveys, which should be applied during the process of information collection. Putting this into practice would allow a decrease in the nonresponse rate and encourage cooperation by obtaining high-quality information; something that is vital for the management of both companies and governments.



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Idoia Portilla, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas, profesora de la Facultad de Comunicación.


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