Technology in marketing evolution

La tecnología en la evolución del marketing



Marketing has traditionally made use of market research, promotion and distribution to develop its activities. However, technological advancement has made media available for this discipline which has brought about changes in consumer behavior, in power relationships of the company towards customers, and in the ways the marketing function is carried out, which leads to its evolution. This research has the aim of interpreting the role technology has played in the evolution of this discipline in light of the changes observed in e-marketing. To that end, we make a literature review departing from some antecedents, the impact of mechanization on marketing activities, and arriving at e-marketing. It is concluded that even when technological progress has led to paradigmatic
changes calling for new ways of exploring, creating and distributing value for customers in digitalized markets and of flexible business structures, it has not disrupted marketing foundations or supplanted the customer as central figure. On the contrary, all this indicates that, whether in online or offline markets, marketing is essentially a matter of customers in which technology is a means to better satisfy them and ad value to the relationship.



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Marlene Peñaloza

Doctora en Economía Aplicada. Directora del Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Empresarial ―CIDE―. Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas. Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela


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