Peer Review Process

The articles received undergo a pre-selection, review and selection process. The receipt of articles does not imply the obligation to publish them. The initial preselection of the writings is in charge of the Editorial Committee, which accepts or rejects the originals according to the editorial rules. After this pre-selection, the Editorial Committee sends the article to the Editor, who can request modifications and make the recommendations that he deems necessary to adjust the document to the guidelines for the Journal's authors in order to be subjected to a double-blind evaluation by two external academic peers under rigorous evaluation criteria previously established. Academic peers have 3 weeks to review the article and issue a concept to the Editor that can be: it is approved without changes; it is approved subject to minor changes and does not require re-evaluation; it is approved subject to major changes and requires new evaluation and rejected to be published in the Journal. In the event that controversies arise from the concept of academic peers, these will be initially resolved by the Editor and the Editorial Committee and, if necessary, a third evaluation will be requested.

The evaluation process respects the anonymity of both the authors and academic peers. If the article is accepted with changes, whether minor or major, the Editor will send the evaluation to the corresponding author via email to make the necessary adjustments to the recommendations of the peers. Once the Editor receives the final version of the article, and upon verifying compliance with the recommendations and analyzing the justifications for those that have not been taken into account, it will be sent back for review to the same academic peer for final approval.

The editorial process of pre-selection, review and selection of each article can last an average of three months.

After the peer review process, and after the article is approved, the editing process (style correction, author review, layout and PDF review) and publication can last an average of three months.

Thus, from the time the article is sent to the Journal and its final publication, the editorial process can last an average of six months.