Corruption and fraud: the cancer that destroy the colombian economy

Corrupción y fraude: el cáncer que destruye la economía colombiana


Alberto Parra Barrios

Colombian society has many examples of corruption that have been accepted for being minor and that have become part of people's daily lives, becoming institutionalized as a culture that both the beneficiaries and the affected admit. Some of them can be mentioned: not respecting the queue for the entrance of vehicles to the parking lots; entering public performances late and overlooking the early arrival of other attendees; arrive last and enter the TransMilenio first; not respecting the lines in the banking entities or asking the one who is first to take care of the position while he does another errand; bring gifts to public employees to expedite procedures, credit applications and other similar. At a level that has a greater impact are actions such as influence peddling to achieve positions or favors —so common in all kinds of public and private organizations—, bribery to expedite operations and the abuse of power of certain executives in companies.



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Author Biography / See

Alberto Parra Barrios, Fundación Universitaria Cervantes San Agustín

Magíster en Finanzas y Mercados Financieros, Magíster en Economía. Magister en Administración Financiera, MBA.


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