Do small and medium-sized Colombian supermarkets create added economic value?

¿Crean los pequeños y medianos supermercados colombianos valor económico agregado?



Objective. To evaluate whether Colombian small and medium-sized companies in the supermarket industry create economic value added in the period 2014-2020 and whether the outcomes are consistent with their financial performance accounting indicators.
Methodology. A static and trend analysis of growth, efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness, economic value added and market value added indicators is performed. Results. SME supermarkets outperform small businesses in accounting performance because they are
more effective in managing costs and expenses and more efficient in the administration of assets, despite using less positive financial leverage. Also, SME supermarkets create added economic value: the small one in six years and the medium one in four. Conclusions.
Comparing the overall supermarket industry to SMEs reveals that the former is less effective
for being less efficacious and efficient, and uses less financial leverage; additionally, each year this sector destroys economic value added.



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Author Biography / See

Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy, Universidad del Valle.

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.


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