Vino novedoso, ¿a quién dirigirlo?

Vino novedoso, ¿a quién dirigirlo?



Innovation and market segmentation are success factors in mature, competitive and controlled markets such as the wine market. This paper addresses the segmentation of the wine market for a new natural sparkling red wine. Variables that determine purchase intention such as attitudes and wine consumption, benefits and emotions caused by wine, age, gender, educational level and income are used. As a result, four differentiated segments were obtained: the ‘optimistic’, more open to innovations; the ‘willing’; the “moderate demanding” who demands with certain rationality and the ‘pretentious’ who is the most demanding, but who is not a big consumer. It is concluded that innovations should be directed towards the segments called ‘optimistic’ and ‘willing’.



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Author Biographies / See

Harold Martín Caro Malavé

Doctor en Estadística. Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, España.

Hellen Méndez Martínez

Máster en Viticultura, Enología y Dirección de Empresas Vitivinícolas. Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, España

Cristina Olarte Pascual

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, España


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