Academic entrepreneurship and university spin-offs: A systematic literature review

Emprendimiento académico y spin-off universitario: una revisión sistemática de la literatura



This paper explores scientific literature related to academic entrepreneurship and spin-off in university settings with the aim of identifying how information in this study field is organized, which the theoretical and methodological approaches in the literature are, as well as detecting gaps for future research lines. A systematic review of 57 indexed papers was conducted, obtained from the Scopus database and published between January 2014 and October 2019. Firstly, a bibliometric analysis through the VOSviewer software was carried out, and subsequently, the content of the set of studies was analyzed to meet the aims of the research. The results confirm that there is growing literature related to academic entrepreneurship, but it is fragmented under heterogeneous theoretical approaches. In sum, quantitative methodologies are on the rise and future holistic research is suggested.



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