Inovação no modelo de negócios nas empresas instaladas em um ambiente de inovação: uma análise no Feevale Techpark

Inovação no modelo de negócios nas empresas instaladas em um ambiente de inovação: uma análise no Feevale Techpark



The search for the development of innovative businesses has led many universities to establish technological parks for the development of start-ups.
The Feevale Techpark represents one of those environments in which innovative entrepreneurships in their business models are established in the search for support and synergy for their growth. Understanding innovation in the business model of the companies set up in the park was the aim of this research. To measure innovation in the business model the dimensions of the Canvas model were used. The methodological approach included the development of a survey to gather information with the application of an online questionnaire. The study considered a population of 34 companies, of which 25 responded the questionnaire. From the data analysis it was verified that the highest innovation level is found in the value proposition dimension, followed by: Customer segment, cost structure, customer relationships, channels, key resources, main agreements and, lastly, revenue streams. It was perceived that scientific knowledge is a fundamental factor in these entrepreneurships that associated to the capacity to identify differentiation opportunities with a focus
on customer needs, has led to the development of innovative businesses. The association between knowledge and market opportunities is one of the ways to generate innovative businesses allowing the development of start-ups aimed at addressing existing needs, buy in ways more adequate to market demand.



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Author Biographies / See

Moema Pereira Nunes

Doctora en Administración. Profesora Adjunta. Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brasil.

Thamires Stoffel

Tecnóloga en Comercio Exterior. Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brasil.

Daniela De Mello

Estudiante de Administración de Empresas. Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brasil.


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