Plagiarism Policy

For the purposes of this policy, plagiarism refers to the fact that the article is distinguished from unauthorized and inadequate copies, falsifications or derivations of fragments of other works.

Based on this, each author must clearly and concisely express the originality of the article, the veracity of the data and the results obtained, and that its content has not been copied and distorted from previous works on the subject of research.

The Journal rejects plagiarism and the violation of intellectual property rights of third parties, as well as multiple and/or redundant publication is considered a violation of the ethical conduct of scientific research.

To detect plagiarism, the Journal makes use of the iThenticate verifier whose originality reports allow an adequate assessment of the similarity of the work.

In cases of plagiarism or violation of intellectual property rights of third parties, within 10 business days, the arguments and necessary evidence must be sent to the Editor to establish its occurrence; If plagiarism occurs, the Journal will report the case to the respective authorities and those affected.