Accounting and tax benefits for taxpayers of plantain-growing businesses in Mexico

Beneficios contables y fiscales de los contribuyentes de negocios plataneros en México



An important part of the Mexican society is developed mainly around agro farming activities which represent a high participation in the GDP, thereby allowing the country to have certain food autonomy and self-sufficiency. The positive impact of the primary sector is based on the diverse contributions it makes to factors such as the market, production and foreign exchange. Over time, and with enough technical advancement, the activities in this sector define the success of Nations’ economic environment. This paper aims at describing the tax benefits applicable to taxpayers from the plantain-growing businesses who are classified in the category of Agricultural, Cattle Raising, Forestry and Fishing Activities. The study has a qualitative descriptive scope, detailing the advantages of applying tax benefits to taxpayers from the primary sector by using examples with estimated figures. This research is of documentary
type since for the analysis it used print sources and online articles related to tax laws and dispositions issued for those taxpayers from the primary sector. In sum, it can be deducted that the application of tax benefits is a business incentive for the plantain-growing sector businesspeople, which allows them to have greater cash flow



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