Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 10, No. 1, enero-junio de 2023, 6-25
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
differentiation and cost leadership strategies, are
discussed and the effect of these strategies on the
innovation and technical product performance will
be investigated.
Firm Innovativeness
Firm innovativeness is a “desire to change”,
that is, openness to new ideas as an aspect of a
measures is used as a set of behaviors, products,
processes, markets, and strategic components in
the conceptualization of innovation (Ferraresi et al.,
2012). For organizational innovation is required:
(i) Changes in the structure and processes of an
organization due to the implementation of new
management and working concepts and practices
such as teamwork in production, supply chain
management or quality management systems;
(ii) new management practices, new organization,
new marketing concepts and new corporate
organizational method in business practices,
workplace organization or external relations are
orientations —the strategic directions applied by a
superior performance— are key predictors of
innovativeness is examined as the dependent
variable. The effects of strategic orientation, cost
innovation are examined.
Product Technical Performance
factors of new product development in performance
as full new product development process and
corporate culture, and participation of high-ranking
Walker Jr. and Ruekert (1995) suggested that
professional managers should consider criteria
such as new product development, new product
quality, new product design, design satisfaction,
successful sales target, budget control and
Dewberry (2004) explained the new product
development performance with cost, delivery
time, external and internal quality, and program
follow-up. Souder and Song (1997) stated that
correct product design and market selection will
affect new product development performance
and emphasized that companies should perceive
the uncertainty of the market. In addition, they
recommended performance scales such as the
speed of launching the new product, the harmony
between development cost and budget, sales rate,
market share, contribution to corporate image,
contribution to improving corporate techniques,
and satisfaction of employees, auditors and
customers (Liu and Tsai, 2009). In this context,
product technical performance is examined as a
dependent variable in the research.
The Relationship between Strategic
Orientation and Cost Leadership and
Dierentiation Strategies
In research examination of the relationship
between strategic orientation and competitive
strategies and bank performance, a positive and
orientation and cost leadership and differentiation
strategies. In addition, it is stated that competitive
strategies have a mediator (moderator) effect in
the relationship between strategic orientation and
bank performance (Jassmy and Bhaya, 2016). It
has been found that entrepreneurial orientation
the relationship between competitive strategies
2018). For Galbreath et al. (2020), and Zehir, Can
and Karaboga (2015) based on these studies, it can
Strategic orientation and competitive strategies,
which can be applied separately, simultaneously
and together. For this reason, it is seen that there
different types of orientations expressed under
the name of strategic orientation and Porter’s
competitive strategies. Therefore, the following
hypothesis can be put forward:
on the Cost Leadership Strategy.
on the Differentiation Strategy.