Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 8, No. 1, enero-junio de 2021, 7-26
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
necessary for management to understand how
and why employees react to surveillance both
solutions in order to prevent organizational
there are studies advocating that right of privacy
reactions of the employees against the surveillance
they live within the institution such as avoiding
being disturbed because of the surveillance
withstanding to the supervisors by arguing with
can be put forward regarding the surveillance
and autonomy of the employees: employers have
been seeing these privileges in themselves such
employee surveillance to prevent leakage of
been examining the effects of time pressure and
Organizational Cynicism
compared to the concept of cynicism (Johnson and
that employees experience in circumstances where
there is lack of honesty and fair behaviors within
Cynicism concept reminds of the meanings such
as disbelief of individuals to the actions towards
the attitudes and behaviors in the surrounding
has been characterized with hopelessness and
been used contemporaneously with the meanings
cynicism is not only the emotions which were
brought to the organization by the cynical
cynicism has been conceptualized as a future
oriented characteristic and it has been claimed
developed as a result of experiences (Johnson and
indicated as the disbelief of behaviors and attitudes
pressure and supervisor support on organizational
Time Pressure
of technological opportunities have created
settings of business manners have become more
employees have been reporting the time pressure