ISSN 2389-8186
E-ISSN 2389-8194
Vol. 7, No. 2
Julio-diciembre de 2020
doi: 10.16967/23898186.650
pp. 24-35
Analysis of “The Small Farmer” by Gastón
Acurio: A case of poverty romance in
organic discourse
* PhD in Philosophy. CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru.
E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-5523-4777. Google Scholar:
ISSN 2389-8186
E-ISSN 2389-8194
Vol. 7, No. 2
Julio-diciembre de 2020
doi: 10.16967/23898186.650
This study will analyze a brief text by Peruvian chef Gastón Acurio, leader of
the so-called Peruvian gastronomic boom, in order to explain how he develops a discursive
strategy aimed at generating resistance to technological changes, especially in the eld of
transgenic foods. This analysis becomes necessary given that digital social networks have
become very influential spaces for the formation of opinion. At the same time, Gastón Acurio
is not only an influential businessperson but also one of those new media characters that
we call “influencers” and that have thousands of followers.
His text is part of a campaign against the use of genetically modied organisms —GMOs— in
Peru. Acurio’s textual strategy was creating a ctional character; a small farmer living in a
poor but bucolic world, far away from the greedy needs of the city, happy with his modest
life, and in no need for riches.
Information and communication, agriculture, storytelling, critical discourse
analysis, corporate social responsibility, ethics.
Análisis de “El pequeño agricultor” de Gastón Acurio: un
caso de romance de la pobreza en el discurso orgánico
En este estudio se analizará un breve texto del chef peruano Gastón Acurio,
líder del llamado boom gastronómico peruano, para explicar cómo desarrolla una estrategia
discursiva destinada a generar resistencia a los cambios tecnológicos especialmente en el
campo de los alimentos transgénicos. Este análisis se hace necesario dado que las redes
sociales digitales se han convertido en espacios muy influyentes para la formación de
opinión. Al mismo tiempo Acurio no solo es un empresario influyente, sino también uno
de esos nuevos personajes mediáticos que llamamos “influencers” y que tienen miles de
Su texto forma parte de una campaña contra el uso de organismos genéticamente modicados
—OGM— en Perú. La estrategia textual de Acurio fue crear un personaje de cción; un pequeño
agricultor que vive en un mundo pobre, pero bucólico, alejado de las necesidades codiciosas
de la ciudad, feliz con su modesta vida y sin necesidad de riquezas.
información y comunicación, agricultura, narración, análisis crítico del
discurso, responsabilidad social empresarial, ética.
How to cite this article:
Salas, D. (2020). Analysis of
“The Small Farmer” by Gastón
Acurio: A case of poverty romance
in organic discourse. Revista
Perspectiva Empresarial, 7(2),
Recibido: 16 de julio de 2020
Aceptado: 03 de octubre de 2020
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
Análise de “O pequeno agricultor” de Gastón Acurio:
um caso de romance de pobreza no discurso orgánico
Neste estudo, será analisado um breve texto do chef peruano Gastón Acurio,
líder do chamado boom gastronômico peruano, para explicar como ele desenvolve
uma estratégia discursiva que visa gerar resistência às mudanças tecnológicas,
especialmente no campo dos alimentos transgênicos. Essa análise se faz necessária
tendo em vista que as redes sociais digitais se tornaram espaços de grande influência
para a formação de opinião. Ao mesmo tempo, Acurio não é apenas um empresário
influente, mas também um daqueles personagens da nova mídia que chamamos de
“influenciadores” e que têm milhares de seguidores.
Seu texto faz parte de uma campanha contra o uso de organismos geneticamente
modicados —OGM— no Peru. A estratégia textual de Acurio era criar um personagem
ctício; um pequeno agricultor que vive em um mundo pobre, mas bucólico, longe das
necessidades gananciosas da cidade, feliz com sua vida modesta e sem a necessidade
de riquezas.
informação e comunicação, agricultura, contação de histórias,
análise crítica do discurso, responsabilidade social corporativa, ética.
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
Genetic Modification from a
Scientic Perspective
In recent decades, especially since 1980, food
engineering has made great strides in providing
parts of the world. GMOs contain genes taken from
other species in order to improve some of its traits,
for example, resistance to pests and pesticides,
for water and soils. Any species that has obtained
genes from any other species is transgenic, also
known as GMOs (Krebs, Goldstein and Kilpatrick,
      
     
soybeans, saved 500000 hectares of land thanks
of this type of technology.
advancement of transgenic technology, CRISPR,
consists of working with the genes of specimens
in order to mitigate or increase their effects, was
CRISPR technology so far has been
In fact, according to biologists, the possibilities
      
misinformation in this regard, some researchers
as a way of connecting scientists and technologists
However, the fear of this new technology is
deeply rooted in the world and spreads thanks to
fake news
       
Frankenstein    
has the power or the right to correct the divine work
cosmic rebellion.
      
       
in the prevalence of commonplace and, above all,
and even Popperian epistemology, science is
probabilistic. Since the evidence for the safety of
farmers is overwhelming (Saik, 2019), concerns
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
on the need to combat climate change and even that
       
       
Moratorium on GMOs in Peru
ineffective. On the other hand, in the governments
      
     
    
whose fame and prestige has allowed him to
Narrative persuasion and organic
 
that the empiricist or rationalist model of the
possible in light of narration, whose basic element
this characteristic.
characteristics indicated.
      
 
  
  
     
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
      
task of domestication of the species of animals and
of dominating the species that serve as food are
       
      
already become signs of distinction as the access
    
vision of the origin of food.
The Small Farmer
Allow me to explain, dear friend.
        
is a system in which corn, insects, herbs,
everything has a harmony achieved with
patience and years. If I take her corn, if I take
her son and bring him a rare corn, the earth will
Pacha Mama [mother
children happy every day, the ones that bring
they have always ate. If I take away their food,
With this corn, we also make all the recipes
lawita 
been told, every day they want less.
Dear friend, it seems that there in the city the
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
      
greater than money.
A strong dichotomy
Organic labeling is strongly connected with the
signs of distinction, while access and ostentation of
of exchanges in which recognition is endlessly
vision of the origin of food and appealing to the
By championing the vision of fair trade and
mindset, especially the wealthy one who can
      
being ecological, healthy and tasty ingredients, the
     
Table 1. The Literary Dychotomy of Organic vs. GMOs
Organic GMOs
Ecological Polluting
Healthy Unhealthy, toxic
Pure Impure
Natural “Frankenfoods”
Tasty Disgusting
Authentic Alien
Source: author own elaboration.
applied especially to his analysis of novels. In this
the labor of the poor peasant. It is characterized by
sowing and harvest. Being a cyclic time, it does not
admit the change or, if it appears, it will be in the
Since change necessarily implies decadence
or progress, the temporary setting of the story is
a motionless.
    
experiencing the alienations of the postmodern,
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
trade. Within the analyzed text, the small farmer
         
another good. His corns are ends in themselves that
Pacha Mama [mother land]
possible axiological locus
     
that a spirit is considered as embodied in certain
power, and are to be worshipped, prayed to, and
greed and GMOs are monsters that violate her and
her son and bring him a rare corn, the earth will
in which corn, insects, herbs, everything has a
on the condition that he treats it well. It is see as a
mother who provides for her children to the extent
as it is respected.
Hiding the contradictions
 
stories is to hide contradictions and avoid any
     
second person by establishing a frontier between
 
I take her son and bring him a rare corn, the earth
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
In the following table, the elements that
      
      
Table 2. The Literary Dychotomy of the Country and the City
Country City
Natural Articial
Focused on happiness
In harmony with the past
Focused on economic success
In conflict with the past
Qualitative focus Quantitative focus
Source: author own elaboration.
Can he or she resolve this contradiction,
wealth and power of the one he lacks.
Modern advertising follows that principle. It
work of the farmer or contaminated by technology,
becomes a fantasy way to evade, even for a moment,
and a way to live a dream.
Above all, and this is the most interesting thing,
cyclic meaning.
of it, in this text are present motifs inherited from
as the locus amoenus and the contempt of court and
praise of village
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
      
The Little Prince, in which the main
  
      
paragraph. The Little Prince replies that if he had
since it is not necessary to change his way of life.
motif that protects the organic propaganda from
    
is not jeopardized by poverty, since what the
of the goals is showing the different meaning of
of happiness, keeping the recipes and his lifestyle.
Table 3. The Word “valor” (value) in “The Small Farmer”
What is lost?
For me and my family, this corn plant is pride, a treasure and a legacy from my
grandparents, who in turn received it from their grandparents hundreds of years
ago. It’s a family legacy and that has a very important value for us.
Legacy, pride, inheritance
If I take away their food, and give them another, they would cease to be happy and
would make us very unhappy. This has a great value.
With this corn, we also make all the recipes that we have loved so much since all
our lives, our humitas [fresh corn tamales], our corn with cheese, our lawita [corn
soup]. What would we do with that other corn? This is of immense value.
Dear friend, it seems that there in the city the value is only money. Of course we
would like to earn more money but much more important for us is to gain moments
of happiness, respect and appreciation for our history and our land.
Moments of happiness, respect,
appreciation of history and land
Thank you my friend, as you will see, we keep our corn for many reasons but above
all because its value is our life, and that is much greater than money.
The value of our life
Source: author own elaboration.
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 7, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2020, 24-35
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
      
and meaningless.
to the realization that his corn has more market
sell the rest of the corn at a price that each day
   
works. He is aware for a moment that the greedy
market appreciates his traditional corn over the
cannot be exchanged with money, if he realizes that
it is a commodity.
      
epitome of the organic propaganda associated with
between the farmer and the land, both animate
only contaminates the relationship between the
text is strongly associated with the pastoral genre
and reframes archaic and animistic motifs that
and violence, is on the margins of this portrait
of the city, the one in which the reader and diner are
We dream on being what we are not. We
     
accomplishing ancient dreams like extending
the Moon. Yet, science and technology is failing
    
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