Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 2, julio-diciembre de 2019, 5-19
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
Investigation design
We focus the study on service companies,
which have activity in various subsectors, such
as: tourism, banking, insurance, commerce,
transport, and education among others. Nowak
(2017) states that the size of the companies
knowledge, a study that addresses all sizes could
generate heterogeneous results, therefore this
study included companies with 50 workers or
more; in other words, micro and small companies
were excluded.
In order for the sample to have a similar
context of survey respondents and for the results
of the study to be representative, the collection of
data was carried out in person from professionals
who attended various postgraduate programs in
a prestigious Latin American university; in this
respect, numerous studies have carried out the
collection of data in university centers which can
be found in Pearce (2013), Bravo and Ostos (2017),
and Gefen, Straub and Boudreau (2000). In order
to minimize any bias in the data collection, the
participants were told that there were no correct
of the data would be maintained, emphasis was
placed on the fact that honest answers were
The participants of these postgraduate
programs came from companies of different
sectors, and occupied various management and
executive positions in their organizations; a total of
248 surveys were collected in person, from which
the surveys with blank or incomplete answers
valid surveys. 164 survey respondents occupied
managerial and executive positions, while 39
were executive and management analysts without
personnel reporting to them.
The questionnaire was divided into four
parts, which corresponded to: business strategies,
organizational characteristics, technical
innovation, and administrative innovation. All
follows: (i) business strategy, is the manner of
adaptation of the organization to the behavior
of the environment (Hambrick, 2003; Miles and
Snow, 2003); (ii) technical innovation, is the
implementation of changes in the products and/
or services, and the production processes, which
are directly related to the basic work activity
of the organization (Crossan and Apaydin,
2010; Damanpour, 1996); (iii) administrative
innovation is the implementation of changes in
the organizational structure, human resources,
and administrative processes, which are indirectly
related to the basic work activity of the organization
(Crossan and Apaydin, 2010; Damanpour, 1996);
(iv) organizational characteristics, are work
coordination parameters in an organization, such
as formalization, centralization, specialization
(Fredrickson, 1986; Olson et al., 2005).
In order to obtain the information of the
study variables, a questionnaire based on the
measurement scale used by other authors was
designed; the items corresponding to business
strategies were adapted from Blumentritt
and Danis (2006); the items corresponding to
organizational characteristics were adapted
from Olson et al. (2005), the items that comprise
technical innovation and administrative
innovation were adapted from Yamakawa and
Ostos (2013).
In order to examine the validity of the
measurement instrument, we followed the
study model of Olmedo-Cifuentes and Martinez-
León (2014). In order to ensure that the items
correspond to each construct, we used a testing
process that involved evaluating the reliability and
validity results, this was carried out through: (i)
convergent validity, through an exploratory factor
analysis, the items that were grouped in each
validity, through a correlation analysis between
different concepts. The validity of the study
of a structural equation model; the constructs
and then the structural model was estimated to
identify the relationships that existed between
the constructs.