Analysis of the Entry Mode Choice
from Both Transaction Costs and
Resource Based Theory
* PhD en Management Sciences, Doctor en Ciencias de la Gestión y Doctor en Empresa. Investigador. Facultad de Economía y
Negocios. Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile, Chile. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-
7574-3907. Google Scholar:
** PhD en Filosofía en Administración de Empresas. Académico e investigador. Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Santiago
de Chile, Chile. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-5854-9501. Google Scholar:
*** PhD en Filosofía en Administración de Empresas. Director del Área Académica y Administrativa. Instituto de Salud
Pública. Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-8552-7842.
Google Scholar:
**** Postdoctorado en Gerencia Pública y Gobierno, Doctor en Ciencias Gerenciales. Académico e investigador. Facultad de
Administración y Negocios. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile. E-mail: angel.acevedo@cloud.uautonoma.
cl. ORCID: 0000-0002-8774-3282. Google Scholar:
pp. 7-20
 2389-8186
- 2389-8194
Vol. 6, No. 1
Enero-junio de 2019
La liberación de los mercados abrió las puertas a la expansión e incrementó el
nivel de competencia en numerosos mercados. Esto explica que las compañías se estén
diversificando cada vez más a través de las fronteras nacionales. Este fenómeno está re-
lacionado con el emprendimiento internacional puesto que la internacionalización es un
ejemplo de un cambio de estrategia que puede ser definido como un acto emprendedor.
En este contexto, los académicos en el campo de los negocios internacionales han dado
respuesta básicamente a tres preguntas: por qué, dónde y cómo se internacionalizan
las compañías. Debido a que la presente investigación trata sobre la sección de modos
de entrada, el enfoque es claramente sobre el ‘cómo’. La selección del modo de entrada
constituye una de las decisiones más críticas para el éxito de la estrategia internacional.
Esta investigación analiza la selección del modo de entrada tanto desde la perspectiva de
los costos de transacción como desde la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades, ya que
estas perspectivas usan y consideran diferentes supuestos. Dado lo anterior, hacemos 4
proposiciones relacionadas con el estudio de la selección del modo de entrada a partir de
los costos de transacción y la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades.
internacionalización, selección del modo de entrada, teoría de los
costos de transacción, teoría de los recursos y las capacidades.
How to cite this article:
Araya-Castillo, L. et al. (2019).
Analysis of the Entry Mode
Choice from Both Transaction
Costs and Resource Based
Theory. Revista Perspectiva
Empresarial, 6(1), 7-20
Recibido: 15 de julio de 2018
Aprobado: 22 de octubre de
The liberalization of markets opened doors for expansion and increased
the level of competition in numerous markets. This explains that firms are increasingly
diversifying across national borders. This phenomenon is related with the international
entrepreneurship, since internationalization is an example of a strategy change that can
be defined as an entrepreneurial act. In this context, the scholars in international busi-
ness have given answers to basically three questions: Why, where, and how do companies
internationalize. Since the present research deals with entry modes choice, the focus is
clearly on “how.” The choice of entry mode constitutes one of the most critical decisions
for international strategy success. This research analyzes the entry mode choice from the
perspective of both transaction costs and resource based theory, because these perspec-
tives use dierent assumptions and consider dierent assumptions. Given this, I propose
4 propositions related with the study of entry mode choice from the transaction costs and
resource based theory.
Internationalization, entry mode choice, transaction costs theory, resource
based theory.l
Análisis de la selección del modo de entrada a partir de los costos de
transacción y la teoría de los recursos y las capacidades
 2389-8186
- 2389-8194
Vol. 6, No. 1
Enero-junio de 2019
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
Análise da seleção do modo de entrada a partir dos custos de
transações e a teoria dos recursos e as capacidades
A liberação dos mercados abriu as portas à expansão e incrementou o
nível de concorrência em muitos mercados. Isto explica que as companhias se es-
tejam diversificando cada vez mais através das fronteiras nacionais. Este fenômeno
está relacionado com o empreendimento internacional, já que a internacionalização
é um exemplo de uma mudança de estratégia que pode ser definido como um ato
empreendedor. Neste contexto, os acadêmicos no campo dos negócios internacio-
nais há dado resposta basicamente a três perguntas: porque, onde, e como se inter-
nacionalizam as companhias? Devido a que a presente pesquisa trata sobre a seção
de modos de entrada, o enfoque é claramente sobre “como”. A seleção do modo
de entrada constitui uma das decisões mais críticas para o sucesso da estratégia
internacional. Esta pesquisa analisa a seleção do modo de entrada tanto desde la
perspectiva dos custos de transação como desde a teoria dos recursos e as capa-
cidades, já que estas perspectivas usam e consideram diferentes supostos. Dado
lo anterior, faço 4 proposições relacionadas com o estudo da seleção do modo de
entrada a partir dos custos de transação e a teoria dos recursos e as capacidades.
internacionalização, seleção do modo de entrada, teoria dos
custos de transação, teoria dos recursos e as capacidades.
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
International Business
The phenomenon of internationalization of
the enterprises is considered one of the princi-
pal areas of study of international businesses
(Sapienza et al., 2006; Laanti, Gabrielsson and
Gabrielsson, 2007), in that entering foreign mar-
kets has become an attractive option for enterpri-
se (Bobillo, López-Iturriaga and Tejerina-Gaite,
2012), whether small or large (Lu and Beamish,
Furthermore, it can be argued that the in-
ternationalization of enterprises has become in
recent decades a phenomenon that has spread
throughout the world, and that has notably facili-
industrially behind (Binda, 2009). This is becau-
     
their competitive advantages and performance
(Hagemejer and Kolasa, 2011).
This explains that in the last decades, we have
ms and industries (Johanson and Vahlne, 1990).
In this point, Welch and Luostarinen (1988) indi-
cate that internationalization corresponds to the
set of activities that facilitate and establish more
or less stable ties between companies and inter-
national markets, along with a process of growing
implication and international projection. In a si-
milar vein, internationalization is understood as
       
international transactions on their future and es-
tablish and conduct transactions with other coun-
tries (Beamish, 1990).
     -
derstood as the enlargement of the scope of a
  
in not only commercial activities, but also in all
activities related to its value chain (Mendoza and
     -
services across the borders of global regions and
countries into different geographic locations or
markets (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2007).
    
      
force that has accelerated the development of
global changes in international economic acti-
vity (Dicken, 1992) that can be characterized by
the existence of a set of interrelationships be-
  
(Hitt, Hoskisson and Shimizu, 2006). Many of the
tinationals (Dastidar, 2009). The MNE consider
international expansion as a key strategy to suc-
cessful competition (Aguilera et al., 2001) and fo-
reign markets as an obligatory reference in their
decision making (Mendoza and Vives, 2008).
Considering the last, we can argue that MNE
have played a central role in the global econo-
mic, social and political changes commonly re-
ferred to as globalization (Held and McGrew,
2000). The globalization of economic activity has
search for new markets (Bobillo, López-Iturriaga
and Tejerina-Gaite, 2008). Hill (2001) refers to
globalization as a change towards a world eco-
nomy with a higher degree of integration and
Given this, during the past decade the pheno-
menon of globalization has received considerable
attention (Burgel and Murray, 2000). In fact, some
scholars have argued that the phenomenon of
globalization has induced many companies to in-
ternationalize themselves MNE, as a way of being
more competitive (Oviatt and McDougall, 1994).
With greater international competition and
the rise of emerging market economies, the MNE
increasingly face highly uncertain foreign envi-
ronments in which to do business (Cuypers and
cause certain economic conditions and proprie-
tary advantages make it advisable and possible
good or service in a foreign location (Guillén and
García-Canal, 2009).
Besides, one of the most visible signs of impro-
number and the relevance of its MNE (Camisón,
2007). In that respect, empirical studies conclude
that MNE are on average more productive than
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
      
respond better to the changes in the competitive
environment of global markets (Andersen, 2012).
Also, MNE contribute to the economic develop-
ment of countries in which they operate (Bellak
the transfer and diffusion of technology and at the
same time promoting international trade (Keller,
we have witnessed a growing amount of research
     
Hoskisson and Lee, 2015). Evidently, this expan-
     -
 
Vahlne, 1990).
The research in international business has
shown an increasing interest in the study of the in-
1990), and the scholars have given answers to ba-
sically three questions: Why, where, and how do
companies internationalize.
Different factors have been proposed in order
      -
ze their operations, such as the liberalization of
capital markets, the acceleration of information
the decline in transportation costs and a relative
global regulatory harmonization (Dunning, 2001,
2002; Gatignon and Kimberly, 2004). In this same
point, increases in the homogeneity of the mar-
      -
nication and international transport are a more
     -
ternationalize themselves (Bloodgood, Sapienza
and Almeida, 1997).
Furthermore, in the literature it is important
       -
tionalize their operations. Flores and Aguilera
(2007) argue that some of the key determinants
racteristics (Horst, 1972; Terpstra and Yu, 1988;
      
linkages (Chen and Chen, 1998), as well as coun-
try level home (Henisz and Delios, 2001; Harzing
(Loree and Guisinger, 1995; Dunning, 1998).
The modes of “how” to enter foreign markets
can be manifested in the establishment of foreign
subsidiaries, in international joint ventures, in li-
censing agreements, in international advertising
campaigns, in international trade, exhibitions and
a multitude of other events and actions (Johanson
and Vahlne, 1990). This decision is crucial in the
internationalization process, because choosing
one or another entry mode can have enormous
      
Rosenzweig, 2001).
Finally, we can argue that research area of in-
ternational business has been studied from diver-
se perspectives, developing theories that attempt
to explain how the process of internationalization
is produced in companies. The majority of theo-
ries point to the process used by companies to en-
     
or in other words, the input mode.
Thus, the present research has as objective to
analyze the entry mode choice from the perspec-
tive of both transaction costs and resource based
theory. This is how the researchers have found
      
choice from both international business and in-
ternational entrepreneurship approaches, becau-
se these perspectives used different assumptions
and consider different assumptions.
International Entrepreneurship
Adaman and Devine (2002) suggest that in
      
concept is used almost exclusively to refer to inno-
vation or activities that balance markets and are
executed by individuals or companies in uncer-
tain conditions. This is how it can be argued that,
traditionally, the concept of entrepreneurship has
been associated with a business-entrepreneur
that possesses certain personal characteristics
that contribute to a determined form of behavior.
Nevertheless, the concept of entrepreneurs-
hip has been carried into the ambit of the organi-
zation as a total, and has developed a concept that
represents a form of entrepreneurial acting of the
organizations, called entrepreneurial orientation.
This dimension is formed by three fundamental
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
variables: Innovation, risk taking and proactivity
Jennings and Young, 1990; Miles and Arnold,
      
Morris and Vella, 1998).
In addition to the three dimensions previously
mentioned, other authors have incorporated two
additional dimensions. Knight (2000) suggests
that the concept of entrepreneurial orientation
novative, proactive and risk-taking behavior, fur-
ther incorporating the dimensions of autonomy
and competitive aggression in order to reach stra-
tegic objectives (Dess, Lumpkin and Covin, 1997;
Miller and Friesen, 1984).
With this, the concept of entrepreneurship
oriented to organizations is analyzed in this re-
search, which is directly related to the decision
      
Entrepreneurship helps to facilitate economic
growth in several countries which include former-
ly planned economies (Chow and Fung, 1996).
On the other hand, Welch and Luostarinen
(1988) hold that the internationalization of a com-
pany is a part of, or a consequence of, the strategy
ned as an entrepreneurial act, such as Schumpeter
(1944) mentioned.
Given this, it could be argued that the theory
of entrepreneurship can be used to analyze the in-
In fact, over the past decade, there has been a
growing body of work on international entre-
preneurship which has pushed our envelope of
knowledge about internationalization of busines-
ses (Rashid, Aziz and Wong, 2010).
Then, it is possible to argue that in recent
international business have intersected creating
a nascent area of study called international en-
trepreneurship (Gamboa and Brouthers, 2008).
McDougall and Oviatt (2000) have been pioneers
      -
trepreneurship as a combination of innovative,
proactive and risk-taking conduct that crosses na-
tional borders and intends to create value in orga-
nizations. Likewise, Dimitratos and Plakoyiannaki
hip is an ample organizational process included in
to generate value by exploiting opportunities in
an international market.
Then, we can argue that international entre-
preneurship has recognized the emergence of
the new international ventures (McDougall and
Oviatt, 2000) due to the traditional theories of in-
ternationalization are focused principally on lar-
     -
preneurship is important, not only for small and
medium sized companies, but also for large com-
panies (Prokesch, 1997; Zahra and Garvis, 2000).
Since internationalization is a complex, cha-
llenging and expensive process, the success of the
ses cannot simply export their domestic business
practices to foreign markets and wait to reap the
     
global markets requires companies that are en-
trepreneurial to decide when, how and where to
grow internationally.
Internationalization, then, proportions an
important opportunity to study the activities of
corporate entrepreneurs and their connection to
performance, in new ventures as well as in esta-
blished companies (Zahra and Garvia, 2000).
Research Proposition
The choice of entry model constitutes one of
the most critical decisions for international stra-
tegy success (Pla-Barber, Sánchez and Madhok,
2010; Sanchez-Peinado, Pla-Barber and Hébert,
as an institutional arrangement that makes possi-
man skills, management, or other resources into a
foreign country.
Pla-Barber, Sánchez and Madhok (2010) ar-
gue that the previous research in international
business explains the choice of entry mode from
either a sequential or a comparative perspective.
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
Both approaches consider all entry modes simul-
taneously and all factors as being equally relevant
at the same time in determining the most suitable
entry mode. The broad argument is that modes
entailing greater commitment of resources face
des offering more control to compensate for such
risk (Anderson and Gatignon, 1986).
From the sequential perspective, the process
of adopting modes of entry into foreign markets
resource commitment, risk exposure, control and
 -
dge and experience in international business. In
contrast, the comparative model analyses multi-
ple entry modes holding one of these as a baseline
against which other modes are compared (Pla-
Barber, Sánchez and Madhok, 2010).
Furthermore, in the current dynamic and
competitive environment the entry mode choi-
 
value based considerations, but also on other as-
pects, such as strategic motives of internationa-
       
global environment (Sanchez-Peinado, Pla-Barber
and Hébert, 2007).
The internationalization process is manifes-
ted in a number of different ways. Johansen and
Vahlne (1990) hold that this internationalization
process can be seen in the establishment of fo-
reign subsidiaries, in international joint ventures,
in licensing agreements, in international adverti-
sing campaigns, in international trade, exhibitions
and a multitude of other events and actions.
The choice of entry mode in foreign direct
     
involves ownership and confers effective ma-
nagement control. Other forms of international
expansion, including exporting, licensing and
non-equity alliances, do not constitute FDI (Chang
and Rosenzweig, 2001).
In this point, Li and Li (2010) hold that MNEs
can commit to the market by establishing wholly
     
cal partners, or taking lower equity shares.
about entry mode choice are different depending
if the researchers consider either internationali-
zation business or international entrepreneurs-
hip approach, since these perspectives consider
different assumptions. It is because the bulk of
research on foreign operation modes on interna-
tional business have more or less explicitly assu-
med that companies internationalize on the basis
of market seeking rather than sourcing motives
      
literature on international entrepreneurship has
conceptualized market entry as an innovative
entrepreneurial act (Jones and Coviello, 2005;
Simmonds and Smith, 1968) and builds on mains-
tream entrepreneurship theory in which opportu-
nity is the central focus (Shane and Venkataraman,
Thus, I assume that the literature about entry
ding of the assumptions considered. Given this, I
emphasize the need for studying the entry mode
choice from different theories and I propose the
following proposition:
Proposition 1: The analysis of entry mode
choice could be enriched if is realized from diffe-
rent theories (both transaction costs and resource
based theories) rather than from both internatio-
nal business and international entrepreneurship
Theories of Entry Mode Choice
Scholars have made several attempts at deve-
loping entry mode choice explanations over the
last four decades (Sharma and Erramilli, 2004).
international business has been divided histori-
cally into two very different currents of research:
The economic vis ion and the emerging theories.
The term international theory based on eco-
nomic decisions is an umbrella that incorporates
traditional theories and the internationalization
       -
       
internationalization and transaction costs, the
monopolistic advantage theory and the theory of
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
oligopolistic reaction, as well as the resource-ba-
the emerging theories are those of Uppsala model,
model of innovation and model of networks.
Transaction Costs Theory
Li and Li (2010) hold that existing research
has extensively examined MNE ownership stra-
      
from Anderson and Gatignon (1986) application
       
Erramilli, 2004).
Transaction cost research theory typically
uses market mediated exchange as the default
    
failures stemming from ex post opportunism to
justify hierarchical governance structures (Reuer
and Ragozzino, 2011). In its application, transac-
tion costs theory is concerned with comparing
different institutional arrangements for carrying
out economic activity (Williamson, 1985).
Given this, the transaction costs theory provi-
des a decision rule with regard to individual entry
decisions (Burgel and Murray, 2000), because its
central tenet is to align transactions that differ in
their attributes with ownership structures in a
way that minimizes transaction costs (Williamson,
This is how the transaction costs theory sees
the internationalization of businesses as a deci-
sion based on economic aspects. This theory des-
cribes internationalization as a strategic decision
that a company makes to select particular mar-
kets, input modes of those markets, and to localize
commercial activities.
It is because the transaction costs theory as-
tionalize according to certain aspects, choosing
between a set of discreet alternatives based on ra-
tional and economic criteria such as cost, risk and
capacity for control (Jones and Coviello, 2002).
      -
nance or entry mode that minimizes the costs of
carrying out particular transactions. Thus, I for-
mulate the following proposition:
Proposition 2: The transaction costs theory
applied to the internationalization of business at-
tempts to explain the selection process of how a
business project itself in international markets by
comparing the derived costs of the imperfections
of the markets which would manifest when the
business externalizes the activity as well as the
cost of internationalizing the activities.
Li and Li (2010) hold that according transac-
tion costs theory, for investments characterized by
tures, such as WOSs, should be used to enhance
MNE strategic and operational control over the
assets (Anderson and Gatignon, 1986) and to pro-
tect MNE from the risk of knowledge dissemina-
tion to their partners (Davidson and McFetridge,
1985; Hill, Hwang and Kim, 1990).
Resource-based Theory
Sharma and Erramilli (2004) argue that in line
with the entry mode literature tradition, the re-
source based theory -RBT- offers a unique oppor-
tunity for the development of entry mode choice
explanations from the resource perspective of the
superior administrative orientations, and other
capabilities and resources, can serve as important
competitive advantages, particularly for small and
medium-size businesses that decide to venture in
to international markets (Knight, 2001).
Barney (1991) holds that the advantage deri-
     
capabilities that are valued, rare, imperfectly imi-
table and not substitutable. These resources and
capabilities can be seen as the set of tangible and
intangible resources, including administrative
skills of a company, routines and their organiza-
tional processes, and the information and knowle-
dge that is in control.
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
Thus, what resource based has done is that it
further relaxed the assumption of competition to
make it “dynamic competition” in order to address
the currently prevailing competitive conditions
(Sharma and Erramilli, 2004). Several leading
scholars in international business including,
     
Fusari (1996), and Prahalad and Lieberthal (1998)
dynamic competition due to several factors such
as the spread of globalization, proliferation of in-
formation technologies, and emergence of highly
knowledgeable global customers (Sharma and
Erramilli, 2004).
Furthermore, the establishment of a sustai-
nable competitive advantage to reap above nor-
resource based theory. Since the exploitation of
an existing advantage is also central to the entry
mode choice literature, the resource based theory
seems to be a good candidate for developing re-
asonably sound explanations of entry mode
choices. By virtue of its assumption of dynamic
competition and that of resource heterogeneity,
the resource based theory can do so by aligning
the entry mode decisions with business strategy
and by focusing on the notion of competitive ad-
vantage (Sharma and Erramilli, 2004). Given this,
I formulate the following proposition:
     
empowers the explanation of entry mode choices
based not only upon the exploitation of existing
advantages (as done in the traditional views) but
also those modes deployed for the generation of
new advantages.
Thus, we can argue that the internationaliza-
ms that possess some unique capabilities that can
Analysis of the Entry Mode Choice
from Both Transaction Costs and
Resource Based Theories
Peng (2001) refers to entries into markets
(entry mode choice) as a classic strategic problem
     
the transaction costs theory, traditional studies
treat each particular entrance as a transaction,
and the important concern is to trust the measu-
res of the external market.
This is how, considering the discussion reali-
zed about the transaction costs theory and resour-
Proposition 4: In the entry mode choice the
resource based theory plays an important role,
because it increases the level of analysis from
the transaction of the company, suggesting that a
particular entry decision cannot be seen as an iso-
lated event, since strategic global posture of the
company should also be considered.
It is because the resource based theory at-
tempts to explain internationalization as a stra-
tegic decision that depends upon the capabilities
and restrictions that arise from the possession
of certain resources on the part of the company,
such as human capital, directive skills, the indus-
capital (Westhead, Wright and Ucbasaran, 2001).
The same Peng (2001) makes reference in his
article to the fact that the resource based theory
differs from the transactions costs theory in three
important dimensions. First, considering that the
transaction costs theory predicts the failure of
the input mode in the external market, like the
licenses, under the assumption of opportunism,
the resource based theory attributes this failure
to the heterogeneity of the resources of the com-
panies (Capron, Dussauge and Mitchell, 1998). A
second difference is that while the transactions
costs theory generally focuses on the entries of
just one time based on a play of relatively static
conditions, the resource based theory highlights
a dynamic process, longitudinal in that multiple
entries have a place in the capabilities and lear-
ning of the previous experience of the company
(Chang, 1995; Chang and Rosenzweig, 2001).
Finally, the third difference is related to the spe-
      
the transaction costs theory is focused on its ex-
ploitation, the resource based theory in addition
to the exploitation incorporates the development
(Madhok, 1997).
Revista Perspectiva Empresarial, Vol. 6, No. 1, enero-junio de 2019, 7-20
ISSN 2389-8186, E-ISSN 2389-8194
that has elicited a great level of interest in recent
years (Laanti, Gabrielsson and Gabrielsson, 2007;
pansion as a key strategy for competing success-
fully (Aguilera et al., 2011) and thus the presence
in foreign markets becomes a necessary reference
in their strategic decision-making (Mendoza and
Vives, 2010).
ms are not only concerned about what foreign
markets to enter, and what activities to perform
in those markets, but how to enter them (Chang
and Rosenzweig, 2001). This situation is relevant,
since the mechanisms of the internationalization
process have been one of the most widely adop-
ted concepts in international business (Reid and
Rosson, 1987), and they affect all the future deci-
ket (Pla-Barber, Sánchez and Madhok, 2010).
This decision is crucial in the internationali-
zation process, because choosing one or another
entry mode can have enormous strategic con-
      
2001). This decision has an impact on the possi-
bility of MNE to achieve competitive advantages.
The annals of business history report that, for
every successful market entry, about four entries
fail (Horn, Lovallo and Viguerie, 2005). That is
how inexperienced start-ups suffer from some of
these disappointments, but so do many sophis-
ticated corporations (Pla-Barber, Sánchez and
Madhok, 2010).
Moreover, although previous studies have
shed light on various factors underlying entry
mode choice, including both macro-level (country
risk, cultural distance, market potential) and mi-
cro-level (marketing intensity, nature of knowhow,
strategy, experience, etc.) variables, the overall un-
derstanding of how managers make entry mode
selection decisions and what is the underlying
heuristic decision as yet remains somewhat un-
clear (Pla-Barber, Sánchez and Madhok, 2010).
Considering this situation, the international
business literature needs to unify the theoretical
framework about the entry mode choice. This is
due to the introduction of strategic dimensions
into the analysis of entry mode choice, which is
essential in a world characterized by increasing
globalization and the proliferation of cross-bor-
der collaborative alliances (Hill, Hwang and Kim,
    
Barber and Hébert, 2007).
In conclusion, the present research analyzes
the entry mode choice from the perspective
of both transaction costs and resource based
theory. Based on this, four theoretical proposi-
tions are formulated about the entry modes of the
companies that decide to internationalize their
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